Feldspar in Paint

Feldspar Powder for Paint Industry

Feldspar’s properties make it an exceptional mineral pigment for paint manufacture. These properties include chemical inertness, anti-slip, anti-skid, UV curability, ease of dispersion, low oil absorption, stable pH and high brightness. Feldspar aids in producing paint and coating formulations that are more durable under conditions causing weathering and wear and tear as it has good film integrity.

In paints, Feldspar Powder also achieves maximum color strength due to its low tint strength. Other beneficial properties of feldspar in paints and coatings include low viscosity at high pigment loading, low vehicle demand and exceptional resistance to frosting.

Anand Talc is an established supplier of feldspar. Our Feldspar, performs extremely well in terms of whiteness and brightness, has low oil absorption capacity and good dispersion; perfectly suited for successful application in the Paint industry.

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